Eos is our home. At the moment, we are in Mexico at the top of the Sea of Cortez. We came here to prepare Eos for a Pacific crossing and more with the idea of giving our 50's to the sea. This transition to a tiny, minimalist life after decades of an international expat executive life has not been the easiest of turns to negotiate on the road of life... Yet, I would not trade it for the world. Why? Well, there is no more fun way to live that I know of. And there is no other self-sufficient, autonomous way to travel to the most remote reaches on earth - and back. That, and for most of my life -- if I could not find a job doing what I wanted -- I would start a company and hire myself. How else are you going to get your dream job? It also eliminates arguments with your boss...unless you talk to yourself. Eos.earth is our company. We promote minimalism, tiny living and hope. Our job titles - you know the ones we hired ourselves for - is explorer in residence. We hope to discuss what is really going on out there and to share what we find. So far, we have seen more hope and optimism than anything else. M
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Michael Sylvester